Student Powered Improvement Logo
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Better solutions. Engaged students.

Unlock the power of student voice to solve persistent problems in school communities. When adults design with students instead of for students to make change, powerful shifts in learning are possible.

Why it matters

Literacy. Mathematics. Postsecondary planning. School climate. Mental health. Attendance. Educators across the country are working hard to improve student experiences and outcomes. Solutions to education’s most complex problems should be designed with students rather than for students. Through empathy, partnership, and reimagining power in schools, student-powered improvement leads to solutions that better meet students’ needs.

Picture of two students talking.

Student-driven solutions

Involve students to create solutions that address their specific needs and challenges.

Photo of a student.

Increased belonging

Value every student’s identity, strengths, and needs as a key practice.

Photo of a teacher and a student working

Shared power

Trust students as active partners in decision-making.

Photo of an elementary student.

Student agency

Co-create environments where students can profoundly shape their schools and communities.

What we offer

Discover how Community Design Partners can help you transform education in your classroom and beyond.


Unlock the potential of Student-Powered Improvement with tailored workshops.

Design sprints

Transform challenges into innovative solutions with a Student-Powered design sprint for teams to explore problems, iterate solutions, and create actionable solutions.

Comprehensive improvement projects

Build a collaborative culture to deeply understand persistent problems and elevate research-based solutions through long-term, student-powered improvement projects.


When students feel heard, they find school more motivating, engaging, and relevant.


Students who believe they have a voice in school are 7 times more academically motivated.
(Quaglia Institute for School Voice and Aspirations, 2014)


96% of student participants in a 9th grade Student-Powered Improvement network felt equipped to help improve their schools.
(NWRESD Student Network, 2023)


Every educator who participated in a Student-Powered Improvement workshop felt the learning was immediately applicable to their work back at school.
(Carnegie Summit, 2024)


In a Student-Powered Improvement math classroom, 27 percent more students felt their math classroom was meaningful in the spring compared with the fall.
(PERTS survey results, 2023)

Map of the united states showing where schools and districts are engaged in some form of student powered improvement.
“I now know the importance of making our ninth graders feel welcome in a new environment,”
High school student
“One thing that I have learned from this network is how to be a problem solver so I can be a leader not only at my school but in my community as well.”
High school student

Brought to you by Community Design Partners.

Student-Powered Improvement was developed by Community Design Partners as part of our commitment to center students, families, and communities in improvement. We strive to create environments where everyone can experience joy, connection, and purpose in order to foster belonging and empower individuals to contribute meaningfully to their communities.


Want to get started?