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What we offer

Community Design Partners offers workshops, design sprints, and comprehensive improvement initiatives to support your Student-Powered Improvement journey.


Unlock the potential of Student-Powered Improvement with tailored workshops to build skills and capacity among adults and youth. Our workshops are customized, engaging, and focused on implementation, not theory. 

Design sprints

Transform challenges into innovative solutions with a Student-Powered design sprint for teams to explore problems, iterate solutions, and create actionable solutions. 

Comprehensive improvement initiatives

Build a collaborative culture to deeply understand persistent problems and elevate research-based solutions through long-term, student-powered improvement projects.

SPI worskhops are great for...

  • Schools starting to explore the power of student voice and need foundational knowledge and capacity
  • Educators looking to deepen the impact of their existing student voice efforts 
  • Schools, districts, and organizations of all sizes and budget levels

Explore sample workshops: 

Design sprints are great for...

  • Educators looking to integrate student voice into their teaching
  • Innovators seeking fresh approaches to problem-solving
  • Community leaders aiming to address local challenges with equity-driven solutions
  • Forward-thinking teams enthusiastic about collaborative problem-solving  to drive impactful change

Explore sample Design Sprints : 

Comprehensive improvement initiatives are great for...

  • School districts seeking to make systemic improvements across multiple schools
  • Higher education institutions committed to including students when tackling complex challenges
  • Educational nonprofits or intermediaries focused on driving impactful changes through student partnerships
  • Community organizations aiming to address broader community challenges with student involvement

Explore sample comprehensive improvement initiatives 

What you get

Personalized and flexible approach

Meet your unique goals with customized activities, timelines, and in-person or virtual sessions.

Expert and proven guidance

Get deeply researched, field tested practices and coaching from our experienced facilitators and advisors.

Diverse and inclusive environment

Use a collaborative process that protects and promotes equitable empowerment for students and educators.

Sustainable and scalable impact

Design long-term, systemic improvements built for your budget and capacity.

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Ready to get started?

We’re here to support you on your Student-Powered journey.